Antarctica lives in our dreams as the most remote, the most forbidding continent on Planet Earth. It is a huge land covered with ice as thick as three miles, seemingly invulnerable, cold and dark for eight months of the year. Yet Antarctica is also a fragile place, home to an incredible variety of life along its edges, arguably the most stunning, breathtaking and still-pristine place on earth. The one constant is that it is constantly changing, every season, every day, every hour. I've been fortunate to travel to Antarctica many times; most recently with 3D cameras, a first for the continent. The result is our new film, Antarctica: On the Edge.
《南极3D:在边缘》共由 1 家资源方提供点播资源,最后更新于2023-04-22 20:46:09,截止目前已收获°C的关注热度。喜欢好鸭TV就请多多分享哦,好鸭TV,看片追剧无压力~