Miss Sharon Jones: Dreams never expire but sometimes they are deferred. Miss Sharon Jones follows the talented and gregarious soul singer of the Grammy nominated R&B band "Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings." In the most challenging year of her life, Sharon Jones confronts pancreatic cancer. As she struggles to find her health and voice again, the film intimately uncovers the mind and spirit of a powerful woman determined to regain the explosive singing career that eluded her for 50 years.
《沙龙·琼斯小姐》共由 1 家资源方提供点播资源,最后更新于2022-12-03 19:23:43,截止目前已收获°C的关注热度。喜欢好鸭TV就请多多分享哦,好鸭TV,看片追剧无压力~