In this action-packed thriller from a producer of Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood, Caity Lotz (DC's Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash) and Leo Howard (Kickin' It, G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra) star as siblings Charlie and Jack, who are trapped in Myanmar's toughest prison and accused of a crime they didn't commit. Forced into televised fights where inmates battle for the chance to escape death row, they face off against the deadliest opponents where each match could be their last. Charlie and Jack must work together, their bond tested in a high-stakes game where only the strongest can win their way out.
《黑狱喋血》共由 1 家资源方提供点播资源,最后更新于21天前,截止目前已收获°C的关注热度。喜欢好鸭TV就请多多分享哦,好鸭TV,看片追剧无压力~